You Can’t Just Legalize “Some” Forms of Immorality

My friend, Riley J. Hood, published the following article today. Riley gets to the core of the matter when he says, “The fact is you lost the war when homosexual acts were decriminalized.” The point is that once you decriminalize something on any level whatsoever, you forfeit the moral grounds for criminalizing it on any level at all. Once you decriminalize the camel sticking its nose under the tent, you forfeit the moral grounds for criminalizing any other part of the camel being in the tent and it’s only a matter of time before you’re sleeping with the whole camel. Continue reading “You Can’t Just Legalize “Some” Forms of Immorality”

Does the Supreme Court Make Law?

Photo by Mr. Kjetil Ree.
Photo by Mr. Kjetil Ree.

Today I heard a Christian radio program talking about the case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court dealing with same sex “mock” marriage (there is no such thing as same sex marriage, only an imitating of marriage by members of the same sex). It grieved me to hear the host state numerous times that through this case the Court might make same sex marriage “national law.”

While our current public office holders may be sufficiently duped and cowed so as to treat the Court’s decisions as law, the fact is that the Supreme Court cannot make law and its decisions are not law, they are merely “opinions” applicable only to the parties to the case at hand. It’s bad enough that the courts think they have the power to make law, but we don’t need Christian radio hosts reinforcing that falsehood in people’s minds. No offense to the commentator, I’m just asking all of us to stop, think and understand how our system of government is actually designed to work under the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution.

Attorney and Constitutional scholar, Dr. Herb Titus, gives a good explanation of the matter in an article addressing Roe v. Wade and stating why “Abortion is NOT Legal.”